
Cold Call Enablement

More conversations that convert into meetings, faster.

Straight From The Sales Pro's Mouth

"Okay, this guy actually caresIs the first thing I thought when I spoke to John the first time.He isn’t here to show you tactics or “tips.” He’s going to show you how to change your identity and how you see yourself, at least that is what I walked away from on my coaching call. Do take his coaching if you’re someone who’s looking to get help with someone who’ll cold call live with you, let you listen to his calls, want to change the way you carry yourself on calls, and truly want someone who’s still in the trenches."
Eli Awoke
Outbound Enterprise SDR
"John helped me and my team with a rapid-fire script development process that allowed us to accelerate our learning and get appointments booked quicker. I highly recommend him to anyone in a sales position or who leads sales teams wanting to get more out of their time and script efficiency."
Dmitriy Pisarev
President & Chief Strategy Officer
“John's balanced approach to empathy towards understanding a client on a time basis, since we are cold calling, and then providing value on a question and solution based answer format has unlocked a very important key in cold calling: Having your potential client actively listening to what you have to say. I feel now that if you just have someone that is open to listen to you and what you have to offer is relevant it makes it easy to book a meeting and John gives you the arsenal to allow that to happen.”
Josh Garcia

What Do You Need?

1:1 Cold Call Coaching

We work directly with reps to improve call confidence, script writing, objection handling, and meeting set rates.

Outsourced Cold Calling

We get on the phones and call your prospects for you. We report on call results and work with you to refine targeting/messaging.

Propsecting Consulting

We work with your sales team/leadership to validate cold outreach channels (cold calling, emailing, LinkedIn) to determine effective channels and build winning messaging.

I Am Deserving

IAD Growth is a consulting business for businesses, reps and teams that want to improve sales results at the top-of-the-funnel (prospecting) while also relieving the stress and pressure that is so often felt in sales.

IAD Growth’s coaching and services are based on the fundamental principle that every person is deserving of peace, happiness, wealth, growth and freedom. 

Sales is beautiful world that can give a person all these things and more. IAD Growth is here to guide human beings into a more connected and intentional experience of themselves and the process of selling. 

Wanna talk?

I won’t put you on any email lists, but I’ll respond within a day or so. 

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